JAS Japan

JAS is the organic standard in force in Japan. Operators who want to export their products to Japan and label them with JAS logo should be certified according to JAS Standard.
Bioagricert is accredited by MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) to certify organic products according to JAS Standard.
The JAS Standards for organic plants and organic processed foods of plant origin were established in 2000 on the basis with the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods which were adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
The organic JAS system has been further developed with the addition of the JAS Standards for organic livestock products, organic processed foods of animal origin and organic feeds which took effect in November 2005.
Operators certified by registered Japanese or overseas certifying bodies are able to attach the organic JAS logo to products that were produced or manufactured in accordance with relevant organic JAS Standards.
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For documents and news check HERE

Bioagricert is recognized for JAS standard for organic algae, which can be consulted at this link.
NEW! From October 2022, it is possible to display the BIO JAS label on alcoholic beverages. From October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2025, the following two ways of labeling organic alcoholic beverages are allowed:
- Obtain JAS certification for organic processed foods and put the BIO JAS label.
- Labeling according to the Internal Revenue Service’s “organic labeling standards for alcoholic beverages.” (Without putting the BIO JAS mark)
As of October 1, 2025, it will be necessary to obtain BIO JAS certification in order to export alcoholic beverages to Japan. At the following link you can find the JAS standard for processed products updated to include alcoholic beverages: https://www.maff.go.jp/e/policies/standard/specific/attach/pdf/organic_JAS-51.pdf
All interested operators can contact amalia.rueda@bioagricert.org