European Union

Organic farmers, processors and traders, must comply with strict EU requirements if they want to use the EU organic logo or label their products as organic.
EU legislation (Reg.EU 848/2018) ensures that ‘organic’ means the same for consumers and producers all over the EU. Legislation concerning organic produce is developed with the participation of Member States and the assistance of advisory and technical committees and expert bodies.
This Regulation establishes the principles of organic production and lays down the rules concerning organic production, related certification and the use of indications referring to organic production in labelling and advertising.
These provisions apply to the following products originating from agriculture, including aquaculture and beekeeping, where such products are, or are intended to be, produced, prepared, labelled, distributed, placed on the market, imported into or exported from the European Union:
(a) live or unprocessed agricultural products, including seeds and other plant reproductive material;
(b) processed agricultural products for use as food;
(c) feed.
Organic production shall pursue the following general objectives:
(a) contributing to protection of the environment and the climate;
(b) maintaining the long-term fertility of soils;
(c) contributing to a high level of biodiversity;
(d) substantially contributing to a non-toxic environment;
(e) contributing to high animal welfare standards and, in particular, to meeting the species-specific behavioural needs of animals;
(f) encouraging short distribution channels and local production in the various areas of the Union;
(g) encouraging the preservation of rare and native breeds in danger of extinction;
(h) contributing to the development of the supply of plant genetic material adapted to the specific needs and objectives of organic agriculture;
(i) contributing to a high level of biodiversity, in particular by using diverse plant genetic material, such as organic heterogeneous material and organic varieties suitable for organic production;
(j) fostering the development of organic plant breeding activities in order to contribute to favourable economic perspectives of the organic sector.
You can download the Regulation EU 848/2018 in the main languages spoken in the EU here
Bioagricert makes available the translation of the EU Regulation also in the language of the countries where it carries out control and certification activity: